Bold Xchange & WePower: Celebrating STL's Best

Bold Xchange & WePower: Celebrating STL's Best

gift box with wepower gift note filled with coffee, popcorn, cocktail mixers, and body butter

The value of a Bold gifting experience is not only found in each individual item; the ways they compliment and connect to each other is important, too. So when WePower tapped Bold Xchange to put together a box of their St. Louis faves, we were beyond excited.


Our team was originally introduced to WePower as a business ecosystem connector in the St. Louis area—which they undoubtedly are. WePower is perhaps best known (at least among local entrepreneurs) for their Elevate/Elevar accelerator program, which provides Black and Latino founders with community, curriculum, and access to equity-free capital.

As they planned to graduate their latest class of founders, WePower reached out to see if we could do something we'd never done before: curate a box of goodies from WePower alumni companies. Of course, we were game.


WePower is, in so many ways, a microcosm of the greater St. Louis ecosystem. The companies are diverse not only in the backgrounds and perspectives of the founders, but also in their industries, focus areas, and ethos. That makes for a gift that has an even richer meaning.

For this box, we selected coffee, popcorn, body butter, and a selection of items provided by a wine shop—still from a Black-owned brand, of course. It was truly a little bit of everything from alumni of various WePower cohorts.

The WePower logo was emblazoned on custom gift notes. On the back of each was a special note to the graduating entrepreneurs—plus a few community supporters that were also gifted with a note. 

Apparently, these gifts were a hit because the WePower team circled back for another set, this time for their board and key team members. 

This gift gave us a great opportunity to work with new and existing brand partners in our own backyard, and has us itching to forge more of these special connections. More St. Louis collabs are certainly on the horizon.

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